quarta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2016

I can't believe you're not mine

I can't believe I'm not yours
I can't believe you're not mine

You taught me the world was oh so much greater
But also the infinite wonder in a grain of sand
You taught me that this life, this life is worth living
But it takes a real path, real people, real "us"

I can't believe I was yours
I can't believe you're not mine

You showed me the way to become better
Become stronger, kinder, saner, humane
I failed time and time again; I didn't believe yet
And when at last I did, it was much too late

I can't believe I'm still yours
I can't believe you're not mine

You found my missing pieces, I found some too
We shared those pieces, just me and you
You left, but I kept them... No, I left, but I kept them
They fill a void of which I wasn't aware before

I can't believe you were mine
I can't believe you're not mine

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